AI & Work & You

The Future of AI in Work and Education

Artificial intelligence is here. How is it being used? For students or young adults, how might it affect them in their classrooms, in their career trajectories?

To start exploring these questions and more, check out the content and resources from Detroit PBS’ One Detroit, Michigan Learning Channel, and Tech Jobs Explained in our featured collection, “AI & Work & You.”

AI & Work & You Videos from One Detroit

  • The Wayne State University School of Computer Science is working on an AI tool that may transform the way Detroiters get around the city.  

  • The University of Michigan has become the first major university in the nation to create its own artificial intelligence tools.

  • Early signs point to white collar jobs being the most impacted by artificial intelligence. According to a conversation with the Workforce Intelligence Network, more women’s careers may be affected by generative AI than men.

Teaching With AI & Work & You

Artificial intelligence is changing the world around us, and the classroom is no exception. Here are some AI focused resources for students—including discussion guides that can be used in tandem with Detroit PBS’ One Detroit’s video series on AI, a curated list of classroom resources, and more

Teacher Resources

Documents for educators to use and reference.

Intro to AI Lesson Guide

AI Careers Fact Sheet

AI Teacher Resources

Video Discussion Guides

Each video in the AI & Work & You collection has a discussion guide specific to the topics referenced in each video.

AI And Transportation

AI Tools

AI and the Workforce

AI & Work & You Videos from Tech Jobs Explained

For more insights, info, and connections in the tech world, follow techjobs_explained on Instagram.

  • What is AI? How will its implementation affect students and young adults entering the workforce? Join Tech Jobs Explained host Ashwak as she explores those questions. 

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