The drone industry is a rapidly growing field with many exciting opportunities. Drones have quickly become commonplace in our lives, from commercial and recreational use to military applications. With such an expansive array of uses, it’s no wonder why drones are now being used in almost every sector of the economy.

Getting Started

The first step to getting involved in the drone industry is to get familiar with the basics of drone technology. Many universities and trade schools offer courses that teach basic drone operations, as well as more advanced topics such as programming and electronics. Additionally, some online training programs provide virtual instruction that can be completed at your own pace. Once you have a basic understanding of how drones work, you can begin exploring potential career paths within the industry.

Career Path Options and Earning Potential

Salaries in the drone industry will vary depending on experience level and the type of work being done. Entry-level positions typically pay between $20-$30 an hour; however, more experienced professionals can make upwards of $50 an hour or more. On the higher end of the earning potential scale are opportunities for:
  • Surveying and mapping engineers
  • Real estate photographers
  • Drone pilot instructors
  • Search and rescue drone pilots
  • Inspection and monitoring (e.g. powerlines, bridges, railway tracks, etc.)
 Additionally, many companies offer bonuses and other incentives to encourage workers to stay with them long-term. As your skillset grows, so too does your earning potential!

Where To Go For More Information

If you’re interested in learning more about opportunities in the drone industry, there are several resources available online and offline that can provide additional information and advice on pursuing a career path within this sector. Having skills in the STEM fields is helpful, and some jobs may require some certification or a degree depending on the position. It’s always a great idea to look for co-ops or internships as a way to gain relevant experience. Additionally, many companies post job openings on their websites or on third-party job boards such as Indeed or Glassdoor. Finally, networking events are also a great way to meet people who may be able to point you in the right direction when it comes to finding work within this field.

The drone industry is full of possibilities for those looking for a unique career path with plenty of potential for growth over time. Whether you’re just starting out or already have experience working with drones, there are lots of ways to get involved! By taking advantage of educational resources like courses offered by universities or trade schools and networking events hosted by local organizations, you can gain valuable insight into what working in this sector entails—and potentially find yourself entering into an exciting new career field!